What is Holding You Back?
November 12, 2012
Jackie Roberge

Just like with New Year's resolutions, we often have good intentions but don't follow through on them.  In order to create a meaningful and lasting spiritual practice, you need to identify and address any issues or concerns that your ego may have.  For example; you don't have time, you tried it in the past and it did not work, you are ADD so you can't meditate etc.  Remember, the ego likes the status quo because it knows how to deal with it.  Any type of change can feel threatening to the ego so it often creates resistance or puts barriers in the way of making life-enhancing changes.  On today's call (Monday Nov. 12th. 2-3pm ET) we are going to hear the concerns of your ego and help you obtain permission to develop a spiritual practice that feels right for you. 
Please register now for the call, even if you cannot attend the call live you will receive a link to the recording and can listen to it at your convenience.

I look forward to having you join us on this spiritual journey.  Until next time, be and love your true and wonderful self!

PS: If you feel called get more serious about your spiritual practice, please join myself and my spiritual teaching partner Galen Heistand for a 4-week course on creating & sticking to joyful and transformative spiritual practices: Please visit this link now.

In all of us is a hunger, a longing, a deep need for spiritual connection

Article originally appeared on CancerShift (http://cancershift.com/).
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