The #1 Key to Happiness & How to get more of it!
September 21, 2012
Jackie Roberge

A friend of mine gave me a book recently called The Happiness Equation by John Hallward (Wiley & Sons, 2007).  The book is based on consumer research done in Canada to determine the key drivers of happiness.  One of the characteristics that appears to be more important than the others is ‘doing what you are passionate about’.  Another important factor is being aware of personal strengths. In the book, John states;
The key is to do what you are passionate about, and what excites you.  It is getting into your zone…because when you are in this zone, money matters less, stress drips off, and happiness increases the most.’.
This intuitively makes sense but what I often hear from people is one of two excuses.  #1: I don’t know what I am really passionate about.  #2: I can’t make a decent living doing what I am passionate about. 
What if you could find your passion, know your top strengths and integrate them into many different aspects of your life, everyday?  Based on John’s research it sounds like this might be a good formula for greater happiness.  This is what I help people do through my life purpose coaching.  Find their passions and leverage their strengths in a way that feels meaningful and increases their level of happiness and fulfillment. 
For those of you who are ready to move forward and identify your passions and strengths I am offering a promotion on my 3-Session Passion Hunting coaching package.  The promotional price is $150 (value of $300) for the first 10 people who sign up.  If you are moved by the idea of exploring your passions and strengths, please click here to SIGN UP NOW!

Remember to always be & love your true, passionate self!



Article originally appeared on CancerShift (
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